Grades K-5

Notice: The following information applies only to the 1st lunch period. (10:44 - 11:33)

General Information:

  • Pizza is purchased from Pat's Pizzeria, formerly Mark's Pizzeria.
  • Each slice is one eighth of a large pizza.
  • Slices cost $2.00 each.

Types of Pizza Available:

  • Extra Cheese
  • Pepperoni
  • Garlic

Method of Payment:

  • Pizza must be paid for earlier in the week, not on the spot.
  • Please send your child with an envelope specifying how much pizza you are reserving for your child, of which type, and for which weeks you are reserving them. (if unspecified, default is pepperoni for the coming Friday)
  • Please include the amount of money in the envelope based on what you requested on the outside.
  • Order envelopes must be turned into your child's homeroom teacher by Thursday.
  • You may order pizza for as many weeks ahead as you would like. If so, please specify on the envelope.
  • In the case of school cancellation or your child's unexpected absence, his or her reservation will be carried over to the next week.
